WHAT HAS HAPPENED? Due to which situation or order 25000 loudspeakers were removed from religious places?
Nearly 25000 Loudspeakers Removed From Religious Places in UP. Senior Uttar Pradesh officials said this week that thousands of ” illegal ” and “unauthorized” loudspeakers had been taken down across the state, or Their loudness had been capped, under ” an existing government order of 2018, and set rules for sound decibel limits and court directions “. Districts had been told to implement these rules directions firmly, and to report on compliance by April 30, the officials said.
The notices also advise recipients on how to estimate decibel levels without using technology – For example, 50dB is like the ” sound inside the library “; ” conversation among two to three people ” is 60dB; and The sounds of lightning, underground Metro train, and a busy traffic crossing with no vehicle horns are 120dB, 100dB, and 70dB respectively.
Notices served on alleged violators by local police stations have quoted directions issued by the Lucknow Bench of Allahabad High Court on December 20, 2017, and Cited ” The Noise Pollution Rules, 2000 “.
On April 23 this year, the UP government directed all divisional commissioners and police commissioners, district magistrates, and superintendents of police to ” strictly ” ensure that, The order passed by the Lucknow Bench of the High Court in Moti Lal Yadav vs State of Uttar Pradesh on December 20, 2017, with regard to The Noise Pollution Rules, 2000, are implemented. The April 23 order said that two earlier orders passed by the government in 2018 were not being followed, and the situation needed to be rectified.
Those earlier orders had been passed on January 4, 2018, and March 10, 2018, to ensure implementation of The Noise Pollution ( Regulation and Control ) Rules, 2000, But it had come to the knowledge that many ” religious institutions are violating the standard decibel norms and are using loudspeakers in large numbers “, last week’s order said.
The order followed and nearly 25000 Loudspeakers were Removed From Religious Places in UP. The order asked officials to remove ” illegal loudspeakers ” after dialogue and coordination with religious leaders, and to ensure that decibel levels are kept within laid down limits . Each police station has been asked to prepare a list of religious institutions using loudspeakers under their jurisdiction , and to report the action taken by April 30 .
While several orders have been passed by courts on noise pollution, the government has referred to the 2017 order passed by a two-judge Bench in the case of Moti Lal Yadav. The petitioner had prayed in a PIL for ” a writ, order or direction ” to remove ” all the loudspeakers / public address systems from the temples, mosques, church, gurudwaras for preventing noise pollution among human beings “, and To ” ensure the implementation and enforcement of Rule ‘ The Noise pollution ( Regulation and Control ‘, 2000, ” in Uttar Pradesh.
The court observed that ” repeated filing of public interest litigations by the citizens indicates that the 2000 Rules are being flouted with impunity and The authorities who are put in charge of ensuring that the 2000 Rules are not violated either have no will to enforce the same or as there is no accountability fixed on the authorities “. ” Both the things are serious enough for this Court to intervene in the matter, ” it said.
The court directed the principal secretary, Home, and chairman of the UP Pollution Board to file separate affidavits on the steps taken to ensure enforceability of the 2000 Rules, Whether loudspeakers were installed at places of worship after obtaining the requisite permissions – and if not, what action had been taken to remove them.
The court sought details of ” how many loudspeakers and public address systems have been dismantled and removed from temples, mosques, gurudwaras and other buildings which are being used without written permission; What action has been initiated against the processions which are taken out day and night with loud music including marriage processions, and Whether a piece of suitable enforcement machinery by means of an identified website has been set up or is in the process of being set up. “
By following this order nearly 25000 Loudspeakers were Removed From Religious Places in UP.