Indira Gandhi Assassination Case – Kehar Singh Vs Union Of India is the name of the Indira Gandi Assassination Case. Let us...
Background Of The Supreme Court ordered the release of AG Perarivalan, a convict in the Rajiv Gandhi assassination case, invoking the Extraordinary...
Introduction of Places Of Worship Act:- To understand the Places of Worship Act related to the Gyanvapi Mosque controversy, it is very necessary...
Recently Indigo bars specially-abled children from boarding flights at Ranchi airport. The right to fly for a disabled person comes to the...
In the case named Independent thought VS Union Of India (2017). The main issue in front of the Supreme Court was:- “Whether...
Inter-State Arrest & Guidelines By Delhi High Court. You must have seen this news in the newspaper. Tajinder Bagga arrests LIVE Updates:...
Bandhua Mukti Morcha VS Union Of India is the landmark judgment in which we will find the answer to the question the...
Section 124A IPC -Keep Sedition Law In Abeyance said by the Honorable Supreme Court. Section 124A (Criminalises sedition) of the Indian Penal...
Delhi High Court delivers the judgement on Criminalizing Marital rape. This Means Court says the Marital Rape is a crime and the...
The Case named Mukesh Singh Vs The State (Narcotic Branch) is important because the following cases are overruled by the Court in...
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