To Understand the Khap Panchayat Verdict Of the Supreme Court, it is important to understand What is Khap Panchayat? Khap Panchayat is...
Introduction of the case named M H Hoskot Vs. The State Of Maharashtra The present case is named M H Hoskot Vs....
In the Sheela Barse Vs. The State Of Maharashtra case, the Petition of the Sheela Barse Vs. The State Of Maharashtra relates...
INTRODUCTION Of Ram Jawaya Kapur Vs The State Of Punjab Before 1950, the recognized schools in Punjab used only those books which...
The Kashmir Files Exodus of Kashmiri Hindus means Kashmiri Pandit Exodus. As you all know that in 1990, Kashmiri Pandit was forced...
As you know, the results of the elections of five states that were held on 10th March are about to come. But...
What is ‘General Consent’ for the CBI, Now withdrawn by Meghalaya? (CBI Consent Meghalaya Withdrawn It) Meghalaya has withdrawn consent to the...
Question. Raju is cutting wood with an axe at a place where children are playing. The axe flies off and kills a...
After the matter of Kulbhushan Jadhav, the International Court of Justice (ICJ) came into the limelight in the world. The International court...
The seventeenth Constitutional Amendment Act 1964 is the same amendment that was challenged in I.C. Golakhnath Vs. The State of Punjab. After...
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