Hello Friends, The name of our case is Tomaso Bruno Vs. State of U.P 2015. here are some CCTV Laws let’s see about it.
There is a judgment or a landmark in which the Supreme Court says that the CCTV is the best evidence if in a case the CCTP photos are presented at the time of judgment in a court of law. In the case, there are three persons whose names are –
Tomaso Bruno, Elisa Betta Bon Compagni, and Francesco Monitis.
All these three come to India on a visa from London. They go to Mumbai on 28-12-2009. After visiting several places of interest together, these persons arrived at Varanasi on 31-12-2010 and they checked in at Hotel Buddha, Ram Katora, Varanasi. The hotel management, after checking all the relevant identity proofs, allotted Room No. 459 in the hotel to them at about 5.00 P.M. For two days the accused and deceased went around the city. On 3-2-2010, the deceased complained of a mild headache on account of which, they went out late and returned early and thereafter, stayed in the room for the entire evening as they had planned to see the “Subah Banaras’ the next morning. On 4-2-2010 at about 8.00 a.m.
The second accused informed Ram Singh ” The manager of hotel Buddha, Varanasi”. That the condition of the deceased was not fine, after which the accused, PW- 1, and others took the deceased to S.S.P.G. Hospital, Varanasi for treatment, where the doctors declared the ailing tourist as ” Brought dead”. There is no eyewitness in this matter. There are all around the Hotel the CCTVs are presented. But the prostitution cannot produce pictures of CCTV in any way. There is a punishment confirmation from High Court and then the talk goes to the Supreme Court then the Supreme Court says that there is golden evidence that is should be produced in all cases which is the CCTV photos.