The topic is Why did the judges wear a white hat or is a white cap or wig the Dress code of a judge? And a question may come to your mind do judges still wear white hair caps in some countries? I have published on this website about a topic why do advocates wear black coats and what can you wear to court as an Advocate woman and what can you wear to court as an advocate male? And which dresses are allowed to wear in court and whether any other clothes are allowed other than a black coat and white clothes wearing? you can get the answer to these questions on Advocates dress code.
Today we will see why Judges wear a white cap/wig? Or we can say that you can see and hear the dress code of a judge. So first of all let me tell you that Judges who wear this white cap/wig as a uniform or dress code, it is known as Peruk. Peruk has been made around the world for a long time and there are very funny stories behind Peruk. And peruk has a lot of logic behind it. The logic is that the Pruk have been the uniform of judges/ dress code of a judge for many years.
Peruk has been part of the uniforms of judges’ countries and the uniform has always been a representation of individual and collective identity. And it increases the commitment of the judges when wearing a white cap or uniform. That is, he remembers that he is no longer an ordinary person, but he is now a judge. Just as wearing the uniform increases the enthusiasm of a soldier, similarly, the enthusiasm of the judges increases when wearing this white cap or wig or Uniform.
And the golden hairs of that wig are considered a symbol of a community. The hair in this cap is blonde and people living in England have the same hair color. So it was also known from the peruk that the judges belong to a particular class. It is also believed that judges used to have beards and short hair until the 17th century. King Charles II is credited with making the white-haired cap/wig/peruk part of the judge’s uniform. It is read that Charles had a disease called syphilis due to which he became bald.
That’s why he made himself a special type of wig with long hair which was different from the colors of normal people. It was different from the usual ones and because it was worn by King Charles, it became famous all over the world. After being worn by King Charles, everyone started joining this week.
Later it was renamed peruk and was included in the uniform of the judges. You should also know that when the Advocate Act 1961 was made in India, then the compulsion for judges to wear the peruk was abolished. Meaning that before 1961, in India too, there was a tradition of wearing Peruk in the uniform of the judges. And the British judges used to wear peruk as the dress code of a judge.