Shraddha Murder Case
Hello Friends, here is some information about the Shraddha Murder Case.
18 years old Aftab Poonawalla allegedly strangled his live-in partner Shraddha. A day after, said he bought a 300-liter fridge for rupees 19,000 to store the body and also use it generally. Was arrested by the Delhi police on Saturday and reportedly confessed to the murder, saying he cut up his in 35 pieces and disposed them of in Mehrauli huge over some time. According to the police, 13 suspected to be of Sharaddha’s have been found so far. Altab poonawalla, accused of murdering his girlfriend shraddha Walker, told a Delhi court o Tuesday that he killed his live-in partner shraddha in the heat of a moment.
He threatens to cut me into pieces
” Shraddha Walker’s 2020 letter to cops” –
Shraddha walker had written the complaint to the cops after he beat her up at a flat they shared, and said that he had about it. There had been an increase in the cases of intimate partner violence. In their study ‘ Understanding and addressing violence against women” the world health organization describes IPV as one of the most common forms of violation against women. While are also subject to violence, the overwhelming global burden of IPV is borne by women. In fact, according to a WHO study, one in three women globally has experienced intimate violence.
There has been an increase in the cases of Intimate partner violence –
Physical violence is the intentional use of physical force with the potential for disability, injury, or harm. Physical violence includes, but is not limited to. Sexual violence is divided into five categories, any constitute sexual attempted or completed. Additionally, all of these acts occur without the victim’s cases in which the victim is unable to consent due to being too intoxicated. Consciousness, or lack of awareness through voluntary or involuntary use. Stalking is a pattern of repeated, unwanted, attention and contact that causes one’s safety or the safety of someone else. includes repeated, calls, and emails unwanted.
Why don’t people leave abusive relationships? Psychologist Lenore E Walker-book’s titled ‘The Battered Woman. Taken from, her nook is the battered woman syndrome, which psychologists say victims are suffering from, that makes them stay in traumatic relationships. The syndrome is best described as, “Where a woman in an abusive relationship starts feeling helpless, worthless, powerless, and accepting of the status quo”, reads a report by the Council of Europe blog.
Sociological case studies –
Bell’s books described the relationship between patriarchy and VAW when she observed that domestic violence is. linked to all acts of violence in this society that occur between the powerless, the dominant, and the dominated. in western Europe from the 1500s to the 1700s represent one documented form of systematic VAW. The main crime of the women involved a lack of submission to the stereotyped role of the subservient medieval woman. The use of severe violence and control, called ” intimate terrorism,” is more often perpetrated by men with more severe injuries inflicted on women than vice. Battering has been defined as a pattern of deliberate and repeated aggression, sexual assault, or both inflicted on a woman within coercive control by a man with whom she has or has had an intimate. India and Arabic and Islamic nations also practice ” honor killings,” committed by male family members against female family members perceived to have brought dishonor upon the family.
Social conflict theory –
Chibucos and let’s 2005 book on family theory explains that domestic violence occurs in an intimate relationship when one partner possesses more resources than the other partner, to compensate for one’s wounded ego, the partner initially resorts to violence. Boss and colleagues’ 1993 study buttressed the theory when they opine that marriage that can be seen as a social institution contains a variety of resources that imay not be equally distributed some of the resources include jobs, talent, repute, and money.
Symbolic interactionism theory –
2008 article, Lehmer and Allen postulate that domestic violence arises when a relationship fails to understand each other’s symbols and meanings. In interactionism theory, the two partners need to share symbols in marriage. When there is a disruption in shared symbols and means, domestic violence may occur.
So this was the some information about the Shraddha Murder Case.