Vijay Mallya Who Helped Him Escape
So friends, let’s see the full story of Vijay Mallya Who Helped Him Escape.
When Jaitley Ji was fully aware here that Vijay Mallya is not going to return the money and that he is lying, or offering for settlement before leaving for London then why didn’t Arun Jaitleyji tell all this to the investigative officer? this is the biggest question arising hereto which Jaitleyji hasn’t answered anything yet. Now it could be possible that there must be some mistake by Jaitleyji which helped Vijay Mallya to run away. So it’s the end of our simple story with the conclusion that there were some mistakes of the Government which gave Vijay Mallya a chance to run away.
But our story is not so simple friends,
1 twist arises in our story from BJP’s leader Subramanium Swamy. He tweeted on 12th June 2018 that it was not easy for Vijay Mallya to leave the country because CBI had a strong lookout notice for him. So Vijay Mallya came back to the country and met some powerful person who diluted his lookout notice because of which he could escape the country. So who is that powerful person who diluted his lookout notice? CBI has diluted the lookout notice.
The second twist, in our story is from congress leader and Rajya Sabha Member, P.L. Punia. Who says that he has seen a meeting happening between Vijay Mallyaji and Arun Jaitleyji? Arun Jaitleyji is saying that it was just small talk of just one line but it’s not that this meeting lasted for 15-20 mins. So if P.L. Punia Ji is speaking the truth then Arun Jaitelyji is laying. News 18 Channel tried to disprove P.L. Punia’s statement but we failed. So we will only know the truth after the CCTV records are been checked.
The third twist in this story comes from CBI. CBI released a lookout notice for Vijay Mallya on 16th October 2015 where the immigration authorities were instructed to detain him when he is seen going to and fro from India. During that time Vijay Mallya was in London, he came back from London after a month and on November 24th, CBI downgraded their lookout notice as per Subramanium Swamy. So the big question here is why the lookout notice was downgraded and who did it? In answer to this, a spoke person from CBI said on 12th March 2016 that the lookout notice that was released earlier was a technical mistake.
So here Rahul Gandhi has put the allegations that the CBI joint Director A.K Sharma has given Vijay Mallya an open chance to run away. And why because it was a high-profile case. So Rahul Gandhi says that without the permission of the Prime Minister’s office this decision is not supposed to be taken. And the answer to this was given by CBI in a very twisted and ambiguous way. CBI says that the Decision to change Vijay Mallaya Notice was Taken at an ” Appropriate Level “.
Our story has a fourth twist to friends, reportedly it is told that the management of State Bank of India doubted that Vijay Mallya is going to run away so they took consultation with a lawyer. So, senior supreme court lawyer, Dushyanth Dave says that 4 days before Vijay Mallya fled away he had advised SBI to get a restraining order against Vijay Mallya as soon as possible from the Supreme Court. Because even Dushyanth Deve knew that Vijay Mallya is going to escape but even after his advice SBI took no action on it.
But even this shows that many people knew already that Vijay Mallya is going to escape. It’s not that he runs away by mistake! Looking at all this evidence it seems that somewhere a chance to run away was given intentionally. That the biggest problem here is that our CBI is not independent. Our CBI works as commanded by the government.