Yogi Creates Commissioner System
Govt. orders were issued to introduce police commissioners of Agra, Ghaziabad, and Prayagraj.
The news –
Recently, UP chief minister Yogi Adityanath led state has approved the introduction of police in Agra, Ghazibad, and Prayagraj effective from 26 November 2022.
Can States do it?
Police subject to the provisions of entry 2A of the list. Officers and servants of the High court in rent and revenue courts, fees taken in all courts.
What is this commissionerate system –
Under the 7th schedule of the constitution, ‘police’ is under the state list, meaning individual states typically legislate and exercise control over this subject. In general, policing is still based on the police Act under the colonial system, the overall charge of a district collector/magistrate, and the SP. The arrangement is still seen at the district level.
What is this commissionerate system?
In the commissioner system, the commissioner of police is the head of a unified police commissioner, is responsible for the force in the city, to the state government, and the office also powers, including those related to regulation and licensing.
What is this commissionerate system –
Duel command structure over the district police means that control and direction of the police rest with the SP’s needs and the district magistrate’s. Separation of powers of the dM issues arrest warrants, and the policies less to DM at the district level. SP is assisted by additional deputy inspectors and constabulary. Powers of policing and magistracy are concentrated in the commissioner. Directly accountable to state government and state police chief. Lesser accountability to the local administration. Commissioner is assisted by special. The Inspector’s downward rank structure is the same.
What is this commissionerate system –
It will be the commissioner of police to maintain public peace. All powers to initiate traffic. CP can direct animals’ manufacture and issue licenses for explosives with CP. CP can slap penalties if prohibited items for communication with prisoners are violated.
Which one is better?
It’s not a competition, rather it’s need-based. The 6th report of the NPCe that as compared to police in districts, police in small areas had a better account of them. Many police reforms committees have suggested reform to implement a commissioner system in cities that have rapid urbanization and have a population of more.
Problems of the dual system –
1. Dual authority.
2. Lack of coordination.
3. Delay in decision-making.
Issues of commissionerate system –
1. Transition to the new system.
2. Concentration of power.
3. unnecessary police action.
4. People- police disconnect.
So this was all about Yogi Creates Commissioner System